Thursday, March 21, 2019

B4SMA's 15th Anniversary

Fifteen (15) years of B4SMA - Blankets for Spinal Muscular Atrophy kids. 15 years of blanket hugs. More than 2000 blankets sent. Countless yards of fabric, hundreds of thousands of spools of thread, hundreds of skeins of yarn, thousands of stuffed animals and little toys, hundreds of thousands of knots tied in fleece blankets, hours that add up to months that add up to years behind a sewing machine, still more hours of hand stitching loving stitched into every blanket ever sent attaching a B4SMA label and innumerable volunteer hours
poured out of the fingers of individuals from around the world. We would be nothing without our volunteers and they deserve all the credit for us reaching this milestone.15 years have come and gone and we're still here. We have so many people and groups who have volunteered over the years that it would be impossible to thank them all but a huge thank you nonetheless if you have ever supported B4SMA in any way shape or form. We have to, however, take a few lines to thank four of primary volunteers* for they are the behind the scenes, the backbone of everything that B4SMA. Gma Jlo, Aunt Jo'Quami, UNI B, DynamiTe, Poik Puller, BetsOn Point and our permanent guardian angel, Gram Losstitch (for their safety we're using invented nicknames). One day, someday, in the not too distant future, we will have fulfilled our mission of giving until a cure is found and we are no longer needed. Until then we will keep the warm fuzzies and signature blanket hugs coming.

*Volunteer profiles to come in the future. For now, know that all of the volunteers are family members of the vice president and president and dedicated to the kids of B4SMA more than anything else. 


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

I Spy: Behind the Seams of the Eye Spy Blanket

Last Eye Spy Blanket Made
Back in March 2004 (no, I can't believe it has been 15 years either). B4SMA was never supposed to be a blanket organization. Initially, we had planned to join forces with another family to provide larger, more comprehensive care packages to families diagnosed with SMA. After making more than 20 blankets Gma Jlo* were more than ready to begin making with this larger organization. Unfortunately, in the long run, or perhaps it was fortunate, that collaboration fell through. The only problem was is that we had 20 blankets and nowhere to send them. B4SMA, like all the best ideas, was born at 2am by a sewing light, Brenda's** brain, and a post-it note.
One of the very first blankets was a fabric panel called eye spy or, like the popular kids game, I-Spy. It quickly became one of our favorites, as it provided, not only a blanket but also a game. Over the years that eye spy panel has made its appearance several times. No two are alike and it is still a favorite15 years later, the eye spy panel has made it's very last home this past month.

Connor R with the First Eye Spy Blanket

Axel D with the Last Eye Spy Blanket

*Volunteer profiles to come in the future. For now, know that Gma Jlo is 1) our first and most active volunteer and 2) in no way like the notable Jennifer Lopez - our Jlo is about it billion times more generous and her sewing skills are impossibly more beautiful.
**Vice President, co-founder, all around the heart and soul of B4SMA going for the past fifteen years.